The Physics Teacher's Helpers

The 1-D Elastic Collision Calculator
Calculates a one dimensional elastic collision. Enter two masses and two initial velocities, and the calculator will output final velocities, total kinetic energy, and impulse. You might also like my 2 Car Collision Simulator

The 1-D Collision Calculator with Coefficient of Restitution
Calculates a one dimensional collision. Enter two masses, two initial velocities, and the coefficient of restitution, and the calculator will output the other final velocities, total kinetic energy before and after, thermal energy generated, and impulse. You might also like my 2 Car Collision Simulator

The 1-D Collision Calculator
Calculates a one dimensional collision. Enter two masses and two initial velocities and one final velocity, and the calculator will output the other final velocity, total kinetic energy before and after, thermal energy generated, and impulse. You might also like my 2 Car Collision Simulator

The 2-D Elastic Collision Calculator
Calculates a two dimensional elastic collision. Essentially the billiard ball situation: a stationary sphere is hit elastically by another that is moving; the two separate at an angle. Enter two masses, two initial velocities and the angle of the initially stationary sphere, and the calculator will output final velocities, and the angle for the other sphere.

Projectile Motion Calculator
You know a realistic range and max height for a projectile, but what initial velocity and angle would that be? Or possibly you know the initial velocity and angle, and would like to calculate the max height and range.

Component Calculator
Type in the magnitude and angle and get the components.

Whole Number Parallel Equivalent Resistance Calculator
Would you like to pick your resistances in parallel so that they add up to a whole number total resistance? No problem: there's a pattern to it. (Two, three, or four resistors.)

Whole Number Totally Inelastic Collision Calculator
Choose two masses and a start speed for one of them, and I'll give you the whole number possibilities so that your kids won't get lost in the decimals.

Factors, Prime Factors, and Unique Prime Factors
Type in a number and this page will list all factors, prime factors, and unique prime factors.