Operating Not Within Natural ProcessesYou believe that God or an intelligent designer need not operate within natural processes. Since science is in the business of getting a handle on natural processes, your belief amounts to an assertion outside the realm of science. To explain, if a scientist detects a phenomenon which falls outside of natural processes as we now know it, further experimentation is performed in order to figure out how our versions of natural processes can be modified to more accurately reflect and predict what happened. Think of the failure of Classical Mechanics to accurately predict what happens in the realm of the very fast and in the realm of the very small --- new mechanics were formulated and successfully tested in both cases: Quantum Mechanics and Relativity.To ascribe what happened to a violation of natural law is a non-starter for science; it is unscientific. (This conclusion applies whether one thinks that natural law exists independently of our knowledge of it, or one thinks that science formulates its notion of natural laws merely to better predict phenomena.) Thus your beliefs should not be taught as science, and should not find their way into textbooks adopted by the public school system. Now I am not arguing that this kind of belief is antiscientific or that science is necessarily anti-religious; what I am arguing is that supernatural entities do not enter into scientific descriptions, models, and theories. If you agree, then go to Fruitful Coexistence
If you think that supernatural explanations ought to be incorporated into science, go to Supernatural Explanation in Science.
© David Montalvo 2004
updated 3-22-04