IntroductionWelcome to the Intelligent Design/Creationism Sieve. These pages are intended for those who have heard some of the Intelligent Design arguments and are interested in more information. Each page will ask you to decide where to go based on what you think. Please read each page completely before choosing an option. Of course, you can always backtrack to another spot in the argument by using the "back" button in your browser, or by clicking on the map at the bottom of each page. (Your current page is framed in red.) Feel free to click through the site as many times and on as many different paths as you like. Please note that in the arguments you will read, I take it that a creator God is a subset of what might be designated by "intelligent designer". I would like to acknowledge the book Darwin Day Collection One: The Best Single Idea, Ever, Amanda Chesworth et al. (eds), (Albuquerque, NM: Tangled Bank Press), and the work of Elliot Sober in the making of this website. All references can be accessed by clicking on the appropriate link. Please continue on to the Operating Through Natural Processes or Not? page. ![]() |
© David Montalvo 2004
updated 3-22-04